This is an actual conversation that took place one late winter day at the nursery where I worked:
Caller: Yes, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I’m going to spray my plants, and the container says not to use it on arborvitaes, and I was wondering, “Why not arborvitaes?” What will it do to them?
Me: What are you spraying? Is it dormant oil?
Caller: It’s horticultural oil.
Me: So, you’re spraying for insects?
Caller: (Getting exasperated with me) I’m just, you know, I’m spraying my plants! My boxwoods and yews and stuff, and I was wondering why I shouldn’t use it on arborvitaes. I thought you guys would have had experience with this stuff. Maybe you could ask one of your experts–not that you’re not an expert. . .
Me: I guess I don’t understand why you’re spraying when there isn’t a problem.
Caller: (Getting really exasperated with me now and ignoring my response) I’m thinking they’ll get burnt by it, that arborvitaes can’t handle this spray and will get their foliage burnt.